A Little Glimpse Of Liz


Life, Love, and Faith 









Finding Courage

If we could only find the courage to live the life we were divinely inspired to live! This week with the Come Follow Me it talks about Spiritual gifts. We are all given spiritual gifts, and we are all to use them differently. These gifts help us to bless others.

About 12 years ago, I went to a Relief Society night, and we learned how to knit. I had never knitted in my life! When I left that meeting, I had no idea how going that night would change me forever. A gift was given to me, but I loved most the spiritual gifts that came along with it! Stitches, patterns, products all came to me in my head, and I was only doing with my hands what was shown. My hands feely moved through the movements as I created beautiful work. I often said that this was not my work, but God was using me to create this work.

One night I had a dream, and in the dream, my children's preschool teacher, who passed away, was there. She began to tell me that she needed me to create a hat for her granddaughter. She...

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Our Bodies Are Amazing

I think life is amazing! Something so small can create life with only the essentials life naturally gives us. Packed in a little seed is everything it needs to create life and produce something amazing! We are just like this. Our bodies are amazing. So many things our bodies do, and we don't even have to think about it. Over the last few weeks, I have dug deeper into my health, and I have learned more about how amazing our bodies are. I feel so blessed every day for the power we each hold inside!

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You Matter

I love this from this week's Come Follow Me! What a powerful reminder!
Suppose we could only remember this every day! I fell into this trap long ago of not knowing what my purpose was, was I making a difference, did I matter!!!

Finding opportunities to see God's hands in our lives every day helps us be optimistic about what lies ahead.

I met with a client, and the Spirit whispered to me that she doesn't know or feel his love. Not knowing the love from Heavenly Father Keeps us in a cycle of living for the past and not for today or the possibilities of tomorrow.

We must never forget that God knows us, and He knows what we can achieve.

Go forward with faith, knowing he has great promises and blessings ahead.

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He Lives

I am so blessed to know this simple truth...

"After the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony … which we give of him: That he lives!" We can hear His voice in these revelations. We can witness His hand in our lives. And we can each feel "the joy this sentence gives: 'I know that my Redeemer lives!'"

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He Is Mindful Of Our Needs

Saturday nights in the Watt's home are much different than most. Every Saturday night, I am up into the wee hours of the night, creating a primary video for all the kids in my ward to watch. It takes so much time, but I know Heavenly Father has asked me to use my gifts to bless these kids and others that oversee them. In the middle of the night, I could not upload the video to our ward Facebook page. So frustrating because this happens often! I am up so often during the night trying to fix this. This morning I had ward council, today was Brax's farewell, and I had to get Grandma ready all before church! I had no extra time not to have this upload! Last night I said a prayer and just said, "Heavenly Father, I know you want me to do this, and I need your help. Uploading this movie is taking up too much of my time every week! Please show me a different way!" Afterward, I had a thought I never thought of before to do. I tried it, and within 15 minutes, the Facebook site fully uploaded...

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Becoming More Like Christ

When I think of Come Follow Me, the timing when it was inspired to come forth, how it was created, the way it helps strengthen our testimonies, I think it is laid out perfectly for the exciting times ahead. 2019 study of the New Testament...Gaining a better understanding of Jesus Christ so we can become more like him. Jesus Christ is one person who is excepted by most no matter what Christian religion one is. He has turned hearts and helped this world by showing us the way, giving us hope, and helped save us from our imperfections. 2020 with the study of the Book of Mormon...This book distinguishes the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and other Christian religions. Studying the Book of Mormon brings Christ to life as we see how his teachings influence the world to become onefold. 2021 the Study of the Doctrine and Covenants and Joseph Smith...Gaining a testimony of this is the foundation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If we don't have a strong...

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We Need Each Other

"Heavenly Father may have placed those who need us, closest to us, knowing that we are best suited to meet their needs." Bonnie L. Oscarson
I love the thought of this simple statement. Today while listing to a conference talk in 2017, Bonnie L. Oscarson, in her talk "The Needs Before Us," I felt the love of our Heavenly Father in giving us all we need in those around us.
1-Am I listening to the still small voice to bless others? I have been given gifts and talents to bless those around me.
2-Am I calling upon those around me when I need help, knowing they were placed before me to bless my life?
We need each other. I need you, and you need me! So I hope we can all feel his love through the service we give each other.

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The Brother Of Jared

Do you believe God thinks you are mentally strong, and he trusts you to make your own decisions? I believe he has more faith in us than we do in ourselves!

While reading the "Come Follow Me" lesson for this week in Ether, we learn about the Brother of Jared. The Lord asked the Brother of Jared to take the people to the promised land. God shared with him how to make the barges as unto a tight dish. And he went to work and built the barges according to the instructions of the Lord.

"And it came to pass that the Brother of Jared cried unto the Lord, saying: O Lord, I have performed the work which thou hast commanded me, and I have made the barges accordingly as thou hast directed me. And behold, O Lord, in them there is no light..." God asked the Brother of Jared, "What will ye that I should do that ye may have light in your vessels?" The Brother of Jared thought about it for a while. He carved out some rocks out of the mountain that was "Clear as glass." "And I know, O Lord, that thou...

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The Time Is To Prepare

A massive storm was about our city. 10 plus feet of snow covered the land. Some roofs were ripped off houses, while others had snow packed high on them. My roof was not torn off, but a huge pile of snow was packed upon it. In my bedroom above my bed, a part of the roof had been detached and there was a snow tunnel from my room to the top of the 10-foot snow on top of the roof. From my room, I was able to look up through the tunnel to the storm outside. A man, who was out giving help to others, came to my roof and looked down into the snow tunnel leading into my bedroom, and said he could help me. He looked through the big hole and said "See those scriptures sitting on your dresser?" I looked at my nightstand, and there was a set of scriptures I sat next to my bed. He began to tell me, "Look up 2nd Thessalonians, and it will show us what we need to do so we can fix your house".

I woke up immediately from my dream. Me, not being the scriptorium I should be, I asked Shane if there was...

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Listen, Trust, and go forward with faith

Often when I teach others about expounding their personal revelation, the topic that comes up the most is TRUST. We have to trust that we are receiving it. We can all receive personal revelation. We were created to receive revelation. The Heavens are open to all that believe!

3 Nephi 26: 9-10 is an excellent reminder of the importance

9- And when they shall have received this, which is expedient that they should have first, to try their faith, and if it shall be that they shall believe these things then shall the greater things be made manifest on to them.
10- And if it’s so that they will not believe these things, then shall the greater things be withheld from them, and to their condemnation.

The more we trust and believe, the more personal revelation will be given to us. Listen, Trust, and go forward with faith...

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