A Little Glimpse Of Liz


Life, Love, and Faith 









Prepare With Us Today

Can I just tell you how excited I am! About 3 months ago, I got a strong prompting, and you know what happens after that, you have to follow! Well, I had a prompting that I needed to help more people Prepare! The spirit spoke and said, "Liz, you need to help others prepare" I was like, "But I am not the expert. I just like to teach," and he said, "Well, you don't need to be the expert, you just need to create a platform so moms can inspire other moms to prepare!" Prepare for what? Well, that depends on you and your needs. Food storage, financial, and spiritual is on the list, plus many more.
So I got to work, started to build a website, and produced my first podcast. It took a ton of work! But today was an exciting day! Today I recorded my first podcast with a guest speaker. Her name is Courtney, and she is amazing. You guys will all have to download the podcast so that you can listen to her. On Monday I am going to record another amazing woman named Janina! You guys...
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The Time Is To Prepare

A massive storm was about our city. 10 plus feet of snow covered the land. Some roofs were ripped off houses, while others had snow packed high on them. My roof was not torn off, but a huge pile of snow was packed upon it. In my bedroom above my bed, a part of the roof had been detached and there was a snow tunnel from my room to the top of the 10-foot snow on top of the roof. From my room, I was able to look up through the tunnel to the storm outside. A man, who was out giving help to others, came to my roof and looked down into the snow tunnel leading into my bedroom, and said he could help me. He looked through the big hole and said "See those scriptures sitting on your dresser?" I looked at my nightstand, and there was a set of scriptures I sat next to my bed. He began to tell me, "Look up 2nd Thessalonians, and it will show us what we need to do so we can fix your house".

I woke up immediately from my dream. Me, not being the scriptorium I should be, I asked Shane if there was...

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