A Little Glimpse Of Liz


Life, Love, and Faith 









Serving The Lord

Today, a chapter closed in my life. A little over 4 years ago, I was called into the Bishop's office and asked to be the Primary President of our ward. Little did I know how this would change my life forever. The President before me, Amy, counseled me and said all you need to do is love the kids, but that is easy. And she was right! Loving those kids becomes easy when you are with those special spirits. I was released from this calling today, and I am changed for the good for the rest of my life. I feel so honored and blessed to have been the President while working with other amazing women and men as we all lead these kiddos.
These last 4 years, the church and the primary organization have gone through so many changes. At times it was hard to keep it straight! Two hours of Primary to a whirlwind of only one, manuals to no manuals, implemented Come Follow Me, Sunday worship halted, Bringing back from the dead Wednesday Primary, Restoring Primary on Sunday's. I don't...
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There Is Always A Place For You

I wanted to tell you a part of my life most of you may not know. Funny how I decided to share this when the "Come Follow Me" for this week is section 132 (I didn't plan that but only felt prompted I needed to share). I haven't shared it with many as this is a part of my life where I have felt alone, judged, and like a second citizen.
I am a very faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. However, many of you might not know that I am a convert to the church. There was a time when I could not get baptized to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint. No matter how much I wanted to, I was told NO! Not by my parents but by the church. Because of the policies that were and still are in place, kids from a polygamist family have many guidelines they have to meet to get baptized. Remember the policies the church made recently with children who came from same-sex couples? The children were not able to get baptized until they were 18 and out...
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