One Prayer Away

Uncategorized Oct 17, 2024

Well, it happened again! A boy, 16 years old, showed up at our house and was completely lost. He walked around for hours in 30-degree weather and showed up at our house at 9:00 tonight. We open the door. “Can you help me? I’m lost?” His phone was stolen, he couldn’t remember his parent's number, but thank goodness he knew his address. He lived 5 miles away! After work, he got on the Trax station and got on the wrong one. He was supposed to get off in Draper and  take a bus to 11400 by the Walmart to walk home but instead got off at 11400 in Daybreak and no bus to take him where he needed to go. So we fed him some dinner and drove him home.

I thought about times when we became lost. We wonder for days and even years until one day, in the dark, cold weather, we become so lost that all we can do is surrender and ask for help. But God knows who you are and will never abandon you. God sent that boy to our house because he knew he would be safely taken care of. 

If you are lost and alone, know one person will always be there. You are only one prayer away.

I’m so grateful Heavenly Father keeps sending people to our house when they are in need.


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